Website speed really matters. No matter whether it is driven by a WordPress script or on any other, you need to take care of average page load time to keep your visitor happy.
BIG impact, when Google's Matt Cutts announced that slow performing Websites would soon be penalized in search rankings as well.
The following methods will help you to :-
✓ Optimize WordPress to PageSpeed Insights.✓ Speed up your server.
✓ Decrease page load time.
✓ Provide an overall better user experience for :
• You
• Your users
• And search Engines
All of these methods can be and should be used together !
#1. Check WordPress performance with three powerful tools
#2. Compress Images
• Compressing your images doesn't always lead to poorer quality
• There is two type of image compression
Lossy, where you lose image quality
Lossless, where you don't lose image quality
• Wherever possible you should use lossy compression, but lossless compression is suffice for larger images
• Use EWWW Image Optimizer to compress all the images in your site and all future upload too.
• Use WP-Smush - Image Optimization to compress all the images in your site and all future upload too.
#3. Utilize Caching
• A Cache is something that stores data on the viewer's machine, so future requests for that data can be served faster.
• On WordPress, a caching plugin with store your posts and pages as static files so that your server doesn't need to think every time it serves a page
• You should use plugins. Here are a few caching plugins
• WP Rocket ( premium )
#4. GZip Compression
• This is when your server sends your data in a compressed form to your viewer's browser
• You can use plugins such as GZip
• Alternatively, most caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache also offer this
#5. Optimize Permalinks
• Instead of using permalinks like
• Use a numerical field such as
#6. Use a content delivery network (CDN)
• A CDN uses several servers around the world to better serve data to your viewer's dependant on their location
• Cached files are then served from these super-fast servers to your viewers to reduce server strain and increase page speed dramatically
• This is very easy to incorporate when using servers such as CloudFlare or CDN
• W3 Total Cache also has a function to incorporate a CDN easily
#7. Minify and Combine CSS and Javascript
• Minification of CSS and Javascript is almost like compression. You will remove redundant data such as link beaks and comments and serve a smaller more efficient file
• Combining your CSS files and JS files will also reduce the amount of connections a person's browser is required to make
• W3 Total Cache providing this service. CloudFlare CDN also offers the ability to combine both internal and external files too.
#8. Remove Unused Plugins
• The more plugins that you have, the more strain that your server will undergo when your blog is viewed
• Regularly go through and make sure that any plugins that you aren't using are deactivated
• If you do plan to use them again, Then delete theme too
#9. Reduce Advertisements
• Image-based and flash-based advertisements can put tremendous strain on load time
• Keep these to a minimum
• While Google AdSense is served from fast servers, make sure that your ads are loaded Asynchronously use Lazy Loading
#10. Lazy loading
• This delays loading of images on your page.
• Images outside of your browsers viewport will not be loaded until a user scrolls to theme
• Plugins a3 Lazy Load offers support for lazy loading HTML5, Flash, and Video Streaming services.
#11. Reduce Blog Posts Shown
• Instead of forcing your visitor to load 10+ posts on your homepage you should this amount to a more viable amount
• Most themes use thumbnails on your homepage so you should try to serve as few images as possible
• Aim to keep to less than 10 on your homepage
#13. Reduce Blog Posts Shown
• Instead of forcing your visitor to load 10+ posts on your homepage you should this amount to a more viable amount
• Most themes use thumbnails on your homepage so you should try to serve as few images as possible
• Aim to keep to less than 10 on your homepage
#14. Optimize Your Database
• You should delete any lingering spam, old, plugin debris, post data from your database
• Leaving this data can lead to unnecessary passes when your server is browsing through your database to find a specific piece of data
• You can use WP Database Optimizer for this task
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