Thursday, September 21, 2017

How To Create A Simple PHP Contact Form : Create Forms Using HTML & PHP

A contact form on your site allows visitors to communicate with the site owner. In this post, I build a Simple PHP Contact Form to process your contact form data in just a few steps below. 

Step 1: Create a  "form.html"  file then copy and paste the demo code below I have provided

1:  <!DOCTYPE html>  
2:  <html lang="en">  
3:  <head>  
4:       <meta charset="UTF-8">  
5:       <title>PHP Contact Form</title>  
6:       <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">  
7:  </head>  
8:  <body>  
9:   <div class="container">  
10:         <form id="contact" action="send.php" method="POST">  
11:         <h3>Contact Us</h3>  
12:         <fieldset>  
13:          <input name="name" placeholder="Full Name" type="text" required>  
14:         </fieldset>  
15:         <fieldset>  
16:          <input name="email" placeholder="Email Address" type="email" required>  
17:         </fieldset>  
18:          <fieldset>  
19:          <input name="phone" placeholder="Phone Number (optional)" type="tel">  
20:         </fieldset>  
21:         <fieldset>  
22:          <input name="subject" placeholder="Subject (optional)" type="text">  
23:         </fieldset>  
24:         <fieldset>  
25:          <textarea name="msg" placeholder="Type your message here..." required></textarea>  
26:         </fieldset>  
27:         <fieldset>  
28:          <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Send Message">  
29:         </fieldset>  
30:    </form>  
31:   </div>  
32:  </body>  
33:  </html>  

Step 2: Create a  "style.css"  file then copy and paste the demo code below I have provided :

1:  @import url(,300,600,400italic);  
2:  * {  
3:   margin: 0;  
4:   padding: 0;  
5:   box-sizing: border-box;  
6:   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;  
7:   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;  
8:   -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;  
9:   -moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;  
10:   -o-font-smoothing: antialiased;  
11:   font-smoothing: antialiased;  
12:   text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;  
13:  }  
14:  body {  
15:   font-family: "Roboto", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;  
16:   font-weight: 100;  
17:   font-size: 12px;  
18:   line-height: 30px;  
19:   color: #777;  
20:   background: #FE5E00;  
21:  }  
22:  .container {  
23:   max-width: 400px;  
24:   width: 100%;  
25:   margin: 0 auto;  
26:   position: relative;  
27:  }  
28:  #contact input[type="text"],  
29:  #contact input[type="email"],  
30:  #contact input[type="tel"],  
31:  #contact textarea,  
32:  #contact input[type="submit"] {  
33:   font: 400 12px/16px "Roboto", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;  
34:  }  
35:  #contact {  
36:   background: #F9F9F9;  
37:   padding: 25px;  
38:   margin: 150px 0;  
39:   box-shadow: 0 0 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 5px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);  
40:  }  
41:  #contact h3 {  
42:   display: block;  
43:   font-size: 30px;  
44:   font-weight: 300;  
45:   margin-bottom: 20px;  
46:   text-align: center;  
47:  }  
48:  fieldset {  
49:   border: medium none !important;  
50:   margin: 0 0 10px;  
51:   min-width: 100%;  
52:   padding: 0;  
53:   width: 100%;  
54:  }  
55:  #contact input[type="text"],  
56:  #contact input[type="email"],  
57:  #contact input[type="tel"],  
58:  #contact textarea {  
59:   width: 100%;  
60:   border: 1px solid #ccc;  
61:   background: #FFF;  
62:   margin: 0 0 5px;  
63:   padding: 10px;  
64:  }  
65:  #contact input[type="text"]:hover,  
66:  #contact input[type="email"]:hover,  
67:  #contact input[type="tel"]:hover,  
68:  #contact textarea:hover {  
69:   -webkit-transition: border-color 0.3s ease-in-out;  
70:   -moz-transition: border-color 0.3s ease-in-out;  
71:   transition: border-color 0.3s ease-in-out;  
72:   border: 1px solid #aaa;  
73:  }  
74:  #contact textarea {  
75:   height: 100px;  
76:   max-width: 100%;  
77:   resize: none;  
78:  }  
79:  #contact input[type="submit"] {  
80:   cursor: pointer;  
81:   width: 100%;  
82:   border: none;  
83:   background: #FE5E00;  
84:   color: #FFF;  
85:   margin: 0 0 5px;  
86:   padding: 10px;  
87:   font-size: 15px;  
88:  }  
89:  #contact input[type="submit"]:hover {  
90:   background: #E54801;  
91:   -webkit-transition: background 0.3s ease-in-out;  
92:   -moz-transition: background 0.3s ease-in-out;  
93:   transition: background-color 0.3s ease-in-out;  
94:  }  
95:  #contact input:focus,  
96:  #contact textarea:focus {  
97:   outline: 0;  
98:   border: 1px solid #FE5E00;  
99:  }  
100:  ::-webkit-input-placeholder {  
101:   color: #888;  
102:  }  
103:  :-moz-placeholder {  
104:   color: #888;  
105:  }  
106:  ::-moz-placeholder {  
107:   color: #888;  
108:  }  
109:  :-ms-input-placeholder {  
110:   color: #888;  
111:  }  

Step 3: Create a  "send.php"  file then copy and paste the demo code below I have provided. Make sure replace my sample email address with site owner email address to receive an email from the visitor.

1:  <?php   
2:  if ( isset($_POST['submit']) ) {  
3:       $f_name = $_POST['name'];  
4:       $e_mail = $_POST['email'];  
5:       $phone_n = $_POST['phone'];  
6:       $subject = $_POST['subject'];  
7:       $msg_b = $_POST['msg'];  
8:       $message = "Name : " . $f_name . " <br/><br/>";  
9:       $message .= "E-mail : " . $e_mail . " <br/><br/>";  
10:       $message .= "Phone : " . $phone_n . " <br/><br/>";  
11:       $message .= "Subject : " . $subject . " <br/><br/>";  
12:       $message .= "Message Body : " . "<br/>".$msg_b;  
13:       $header = "From: " . $e_mail . "\r\n";  
14:       $header .= "Reply-To: " . $e_mail . "\r\n";  
15:       $header .= "Content-Type: text/html";  
16:       $success = mail("", $subject, $message, $header);  
17:       if ( isset($success) ) {  
18:            echo "<h1>Thank you for your message. It has been sent.</h1>";  
19:       }else{  
20:            echo "<h1>There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.</h1>";  
21:       }  
22:  }else{  
23:       echo "<h1>Silence is golden.</h1>";  
24:  }  
25:  ?>  

Step 4:   "Run It"   Run your form by opening your browser :


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