Add the below PHP to your theme functions.php file (I always recommend to create a child theme).
Use the shortcode [out_of_stock_products] on any page you like.
Note – all products must be set to “Manage Stock”
1. How to create WooCommerce shortcode.
2. How to use a WordPress query to return those products that have 0 stock.
1: /* Display All Out of Stock Products via a Shortcode - WooCommerce */
2: add_shortcode( 'out_of_stock_products', 'wpsohel_out_of_stock_products_shortcode' );
3: function wpsohel_out_of_stock_products_shortcode() {
4: global $product, $woocommerce, $woocommerce_loop;
5: $columns = 4;
6: $args = array(
7: 'post_type' => 'product',
8: 'post_status' => 'publish',
9: 'meta_query' => array(
10: array(
11: 'key' => '_stock',
12: 'value' => 1,
13: 'compare' => '<'
14: )
15: )
16: );
17: $loop = new WP_Query($args);
18: ob_start();
19: woocommerce_product_loop_start();
20: while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
21: wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'product' );
22: endwhile;
23: woocommerce_product_loop_end();
24: woocommerce_reset_loop();
25: wp_reset_postdata();
26: return '<div class="woocommerce columns-' . $columns . '">' . ob_get_clean() . '</div>';
27: }
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